Friday, June 25, 2010

Cedar Point's time to get this blog caught up.

In May the Middle School Band took a trip to Cedar Point. This is one of two major amusement parks we have here in Ohio. Growing up this was always a highlight of the summer. When you got back to school, you had to tell everyone how many times you had been to either one (or both) over the summer. Well, in planning for this trip, I realized that I had not been there since 1989! Wow! How did that happen? I LOVE the big roller coasters, but no one else in my family really does. C1 does, but she has just gotten to where she is tall enough. Anyways, I signed up as a chaperone, thinking I just might get to enjoy some of those coasters!

Of course, the day we went, it was raining. And not a light rain. There was no thunder and lightning, but a hard rain. Nice...

By the time we got there, the rain was a drizzle. It was light enough that they would march through the park as planned.

So, we waited our turn under the shelter house...

And soon, we were off!

They made their way down the main concourse, stopping to play twice.

After their performance, we loaded all the instruments back on the trailer and ate lunch. While we were eating, the rain stopped and the sun came out!

Now, it was time to have some fun!

I had seven girls in my group. We had a blast! They were all good girls and got along pretty good. As to be expected though with 13 year old girls, there were a few moments of drama, but nothing that lasted for long.

I did get to ride a few coasters. I had really forgotten just how fun they could be. I would love to go and ride more!

Three of the girls wanted to ride The Power Tower.

This ride lifts you up 240 feet into the air, and then drops you. Being the thrill seeker, I said I would go. I have to admit though, halfway up I really wondered just what in the heck I was thinking!!! But as soon as we dropped, I loved it!

Here's my girls, all seven of them.

After a dreary start to the day, we had a pretty awesome time!

1 comment:

iteach7 said...

I love riding the roller coasters, too. However, I don't have a park around anymore. They demolished the one near me about 5 years ago. Oh well....I'm glad you had a great time.