Monday, August 24, 2009

Girly Fun

Last week, I took C1 and her friend L to Build A Bear.

The girls got it in their head that they needed to go before school started, and I was chosen to take them!

They each picked an animal and stuffed it.

Then, the hard part. Picking an outfit!

It took a lot of deliberation, but they both finally decided what they wanted and dressed their new friends.

C1 picked the Cinnamon Bear and L picked the Leopard.

See how cute!

Finally, they had to pick names.

C1 named hers Cinni. L named hers Kit Kat.

Where was Build A Bear when I was little, huh!?!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Have you ever locked your keys in your car?

I've done it a few times times, here at home. But my purse, with the extra key, has always been in the house. No problem.

Two weeks ago, I was at the gas station, and went inside to get a pop.

I locked the car.


They attendant called the police and they came.

"I've never done one of these cars before," the officer said.

"Oh Lord!" I thought.

Thirty five minutes later, he got in.

"That was the hardest car I've ever done!" he said.

Lesson learned.

On Monday, I DID IT AGAIN! I was at the pool.

I called the police, and they came.

"Of course, you have to have a Pacifica" he said. "They're the hardest."

This officer only took seven minutes.

Internet, please tell me that this is NOT a sign of old age!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Car Show

A few weeks ago, M and his brother had a car show at the restaurant.

They had planned and prepared for weeks. They had a lot of response and were worried about space.

Then, it rained.

Of course, classic cars do not go out in the rain!

They still had a few die-hards though.

The kids and I went over to see all the action.

The kids wore their shirts,

M fired up the grill,

and the servers laced up their skates!

C2's favorite car is a Vipor.

They had one there that night. He got to sit in it and see the engine.

He was one happy little guy!