Monday, February 7, 2011

But, Mom...

As you all know, C1 is a runner.

Sometime during the season for Cross Country last fall, she started to have some pain in her knee.

After practice, she would ice it and the pain would get better.

When the season ended, the pain pretty much went away. But, she still has Dance, so every now and again, it does reappear.

"Mom, I need to go the doctor before Track starts." she has been saying.

So, this morning, we went. The doctor twisted her legs, bent her legs, and pushed on her knees. The whole time asking if it hurt. At one point, she did say it hurt, but then changed her mind and told him it wasn't that bad.

He makes his diagnosis and recommends Physical Therapy. We ask if she should wear a brace while running, but he feels that it's not necessary.

We get out to the car and she says, "It really did hurt when he pressed on my kneecap but he acted surprised when I said that so I told him it wasn't that bad."!?!

Three months of practicly begging to go to the doctor, and you tell him it's not bad because he acted surprised??

Next time, I'll just schedule an amputation.

1 comment:

that girl said...

who did you see? take it from me..don't take knee pain lightly.