On our porch was a tiny, black kitten. It couldn't have been more than eight weeks old.
Being the animal lover that I am, I put some food out. Every time I stepped outside though, the kitten ran under my car in the driveway. It was scared of me:(
Wednesday morning, I was in the garage and looked out. Sitting under my car, was that kitten. I sat and watched it climb up in my motor. Yikes!
When it was time for me to leave, I looked under my car and did not see the kitten. I honked the horn, slammed the door a few times, shook the car, and prayed when I finally turned the car on. There was nothing, so I assumed the kitten had ran off.
I drove all the way to Wapak, about nine miles, going 55-60mph.
Yeah, I'm a speeder...
Pull into the High School parking lot and hear.that.kitten!
As soon as I stopped the car, it ran out from under my car.
Holy crap! What was I going to do? It won't come to me; it's too scared. But I can't leave it in the High School parking lot!!!
I called my mom.
She and my aunt brought over a can of food and we got it out from under my car. I grabbed it, and brought it back home.
I'm sorry to say, we haven't seen it since...
Holy Crap...that was a wild ride...I bet you'll see him again..he can be your outside cat!
only you would take a kitty for a ride UNDER your car..have you seen it again?
OMG.....that's crazy, and he didn't fall out during the ride?
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