Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm late on this one, but...

Monday we celebrated the birth of our oldest son, B.

I had sailed through my first pregnancy with no complications. I even went a week over my due date.

His birth, that is a different story.

We arrived at the hospital early in the morning for induction. They started the Pitocin shortly after we arrived and we were on our way. My water broke around 9:00am, which meant we would definitely have a baby that day!

Because I was too scared to have an epidural, I opted for some pain meds; NOT a big help! (For the next two though, I did go for the epidural!) After laboring for thirteen hours and still not completely dilated, the baby's heart rate began to drop to alarmingly low numbers. It was decided that I would need an emergency C-section. That was fine with me. Just put me to sleep as fast as you can!

Finally, we had our baby boy! But, his blood sugar was low and he needed an IV to bring it up. We were still able to have him in the room with us, it was just difficult to manuever him the way you would want.

After three days, I was released from the hospital. But because his blood sugar was still not up where it should have been, B had to stay. We had the room until midnight, and stayed the whole time. One of the worst things I've ever done, is leave my newborn baby at the hospital. When they came to get him I couldn't stop crying. The nurse asked if I was going to be OK. I sure it was hard for her to be the one to take my baby away.

The next day, we got to the hospital early and were told that he could come home! Talk about two excited parents! Taking our first baby home was all we could think about for the last nine months, and now we finally were!

Now, this baby is almost a man. I don't know how we got here so fast. I love this boy with all my heart, and hope I have done him well...

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