Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Girl

Being the wonderful mother that I am, I am two days late on this.

Friday, was C1's birthday. She turned twelve.years.old! I have no idea how this happened. Where did the years go? When your kids are born, the future looks so long. You have all the time in the world. Then, you blink, and twelve years have gone by.

C1 is just a bundle of sunshine. The girl always has a smile on her face! She has the best sense of humor. (I like to think she gets that from me!) Her laugh is contagious! She is absolutely beautiful, on the inside and out.

There are times though, that the drama of being twelve, just wants to make me scream!!! But I know, when we get through all of this, she and I will be BEST FRIENDS!

I love you C1!!!


Sherri said...


that girl said...

she looks the same!