Saturday, April 25, 2009

One Crazy Night!

Last Friday was C1's birthday.

It was also the night of our School Carnival.

So this Friday, we had a sleepover.

We had a total of eight girls here! Eight hyper, loud, funny girls!

After they danced and sang in the field across the street, went for a walk, and ate a whole sheet pizza, they did this.

Each girl decorated a pillow case and then they all signed them. Thank you Internet for this idea!!! They enjoyed it and thought I had the best idea! (Shhh! They'll never know)

They had cake and ice cream.

Poor C1 got bombarded with a few handfuls of cake...

They gave themselves "make-overs" and we went for a walk. They even convinced M to take them down to the school so they could " the dark", which they called out several times.


They never did sleep, but that's what it's all about, right?

These are the memories that they will look back on and smile.

They're good girls!!!


Good luck with that!! said...

I wonder if they will all still be friends when they are in thier 30's and if they will sit around and remember all the crazy stuff they did. I bet they will, because there is nobody else they will ever meet that will have these same memories. There is nothing like the friends you have when you are 12

Mom of Three said...

I totally agree!!!