Monday, May 4, 2009

The Last Meeting

Tonight is our last Girl Scout Meeting.

I have decided not to continue being a Girl Scout Leader. It has nothing to do with the girls; they are a wonderful group. It's just the whole Girl Scout Association. There is so much paperwork and other things that go along with being a leader, it is no longer fun for me.

I've had some of these girls since they were first graders. They are all now in the fifth or sixth grade. I've literally watched them grow.

I love them all dearly, and will miss them.

We've done a lot of fun things over the years, and have a trip to Kalahari planned to empty our account.

Tonight will be bittersweet. I feel relief that I am done, but at the same time, a little sad.

I wish them all the best!

1 comment:

that girl said...

they understand..and look at all the good you have done for them!!