Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reading and Visitors II

Two years ago, I added two items to my sidebar.

On the first year anniversary date, I did an update.

Here's the update for the last year...

I read 55 books. Wow! When did I have time for that!?!

I also had 1691 visitors. That number is down from the previous year. But, if you don't blog regularly, who's going to read it right?

Time to clear it and start over!


Anonymous said...

YES! You need to start blogging regularly again! HOW DID YOU HAVE TIME TO READ 55 BOOK? Let me tell you, THAT'S ALL YOU DID ALL SUMMER! Everytime I talked to you that's what you were doing, when you were walking you could have walked out here to help your Mother by staying with your Grandma so your Mom could have a break, who has to be here 24-7. I really need a break now and then, I never get to go over to my own house for awhile, it might sound dumb, but I do get homesick for my own house. You think it"s easy being here all the time? You try it for a week 24-7, I feel like a maid, a cook, cleaning lady, laundry lady,yard keeper, you name it,because Mom doesn't do anything anymore, except telling me what all needs to be done (like I don't know)but I just get to tired and could use some help. Sorry, I just need to vent. but really I have quit asking you unless I am desperate because you always tell me you are busy or act like you don't want to. You don't ever come to visit' you don't even come in most of the time when you bring or drop off the kids, I know you are working now and busy, but you weren't all summer! I don't understand you or Lauri either one, your Grandmother has done so much for the both of you, she always did anything she could to help either one of you, and still would, but neither one of you come to see her hardly ever.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I shouldn't have said that earlier on here. I was having a bad morning with Mom and feeling overwelmed with all that needed done, plus my head is killing me. Just call it one of my going crazy days. You know I love you, and Lauri too.