Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where Does The Time Go?

Wow! It's been awhile! Where does all the time go. I had this great plan to get spring cleaning done, remember? Well, B and C2's rooms are done and that is about all the farther I got. What have I been up to? We are having our community garage sale on the 10th. I really need to get busy.

Last weekend B went camping with his Boy Scout Troop. They went to the Daniel Boone National Forest in Morehead, KY. His troop goes camping at least once a month. B always enjoys himself, although he would never admit it. The week before they leave is always full of arguments. I don't know why. He knows he is going. And, he will have a GREAT time. I guess it's just part of being of 15. You have to argue about every. darn. thing. Nothing is easy with this one. I always hated when my mom said "Because I said so". Now I swear I say it 100 times a day. Why doesn't anyone just do what they are told the first time? WHY?

C1 is off to her church group tonight. She started going with a friend and loves it. I'm so glad because our church doesn't really offer anything for her age group. Although I do know that the pastor is trying to get something started. He is new and hopefully can get the whole pre-teen/teen group thing going. It would be great for all my kids.

Last night was watch night at C1's dance classes. She takes 3 hours of dance on Tuesdays. She said "You're staying for all 3 hours, right mom?" Oh. Yeah. So being the wonderful mom that I am, I stayed. The whole time I thought of what I could be doing. Grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning her room, etc. But I did come out with a new respect for her. She dances for three hours straight! They really work these kids. I would have collapsed in the first 10 minutes, let alone 3 hours! She really is amazing!

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