Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ten years ago today, we met our youngest, and last child for the first time.

Fourteen weeks into the pregnancy, I had placenta abrubtion. I had never been so scared of anything in my life. You don't realize how much you can actually love something that is the size of a peanut that you've only known about for maybe eight weeks, until you think you might lose it. I was afraid to move. I tried to be as still as possible, thinking that any movement would knock him loose the rest of the way.

But, with the Power of Prayer, we got through it!

I will always think of C2 as my "Miracle Baby".

Because of the previous complications, I was not allowed to work for the remainder of the pregnancy. And, of course, I was at the doctor's office way more than the normal expecting mother. I had an uncountable amount of ultrasounds. We chose not to find out the sex of this baby. We already had one of each and this being our last, it really didn't matter. The Ultrasound Technician made every one interesting though. She always tried to point out some new feature for me. One week, she happened to get a great picture of his head with his hair "floating" all around it.

"This baby has some hair," she said.

And she was right!

Before he was even all the way out, the doctor said, "This baby needs a haircut! It's hair is below it's ears!"

If you know me, you know I am a sucker for babies with hair! There is nothing sweeter than baby hair.

Here he is, hair and all!

The funny thing, is the frown on his face. He was born frowning, and we all laughed about it.

Little did we know, this was going to be a regular look on his face.

If you know C2 today, I'm sure you've seen this face!

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy!

Momma loves you!


that girl said...

happy birthday! I did not know it was today.. :)

ma ma ann said...

ma ma Ann loves you too Caleb. I still have to laugh when I think of that look he had, and still has all the time now, the half frown and the scrunched eyebrows. He didn't look to happy to be born as you held him and he scowled at all of us. Who would have ever dreamed that he would look like that all the time! lol