Friday, April 9, 2010

Text Much?

We have unlimited texting with our phone plan, so I've never really paid too much attention to how much the kids are actually texting.

Out of curiosity last month, I did look at the statement to see what the numbers were.


Combined incoming and outgoing, for C1 was over 6,000!

For B, it was over 7,000!

I know they both begin texting as soon as they wake up, and probably fall asleep texting.

In the mornings, I even sometimes see this,

I know it has to be important to stop brushing your teeth and answer, but come on..., Girl!


iteach7 said...

That's not bad! A teacher I know has one son. He alone has sent/recieved over 35,000 messages in ONE MONTH!!! Her bill doesn't come in an envelope, it comes in a BOX!!!! Consider yourself lucky!

Blank Space said...

So that is sending a txt message ever 6.25min (3,000 sent in 30 days, with 16 hours of waking time:)

It takes me 3min to send 1 text message! LOL

Blank Space said...

of course that is sending each text to only one person.