Monday, March 9, 2009

Stupid Time Change

This morning M and I both woke up and looked at the clock.

"Is that right?" he said.

"YES!" I shout as I'm leaping out of the bed.

It was 7:52! B and C1 get on the bus at 7:00 and C2 starts school at 8:00. WE OVERSLEPT!

I put out the dog, woke up the kids, and got bowls of cereal ready. I packed two lunches, encouraged teeth brushing, picked out clothing, kissed them, and hurried them out the door.

M made a pot of coffee and smoked a cigarette. ("Really? Think you could help me?"

Then he took them all to school.

Two will be tardy; one ten minutes late.

As they were going out the door M says, "You know this happened because of the time change."

Ya think!?!


Sherri said...

Ya know....sometimes I wish I could be a fly on your wall.

that girl said...

you are so funny, s.

iteach7 said...

Don't feel bad. We had a bunch of late kids this morning.