Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Getting Away

Last weekend was our Annual Girls Getaway Weekend.

This year we met in Charleston, SC.

The thing about these girls is, the conversation starts as soon as we get together...and it does.not.stop.

There is never a time where the conversation just seems to run dry.

I can only speak for myself, but it has taken me a few days to get back in the groove of my life. Yes, it was only forty eight hours that we were together. But it was time for us. Time for each of us to be ourselves. Time to do what we wanted to do.

One thing we did decide on?

Next year, it will be longer!!!


Good luck with that!! said...

I look like I've been drinking there, and Nat's eyebrow really is doing that! and I miss you!

Mom of Three said...

I had completely forgotten about the eyebrow! Now I am laughing like we were that night! Too funny!!!