Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gotta Love The 80's!

Earlier this week some friends and I were talking about the 80's.

I said, "That is so funny because I almost did a post about that! I was going through pictures on my computer and came across one of my cousins and I in the late 80's and thought it was so funny."

Well, here it is:

This is me, my cousin L, and my cousin T.

It was 1989.

Our hair is big.

Our shirts are layered.

You can't see them, but I'm sure our pants are pegged and our flat shoes match our shirts.

We were young and carefree.

See the pillow in my lap? It's because I thought I was FAT and was hiding myself.

I wish I were that fat now!


that girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
that girl said...

okay, so you aren't freaked out, the deleted comment was mine! why no spell check?...I pressed the "post comment" button waaay too early.

okay, you were so young and cute the big hair! now I should go and dig up some 80's photos...maybe later tonight.

Sherri said...

I LOVED that look!!!!

Remember the neon clothes with matching jewelry?

Mom of Three said...

If I dug hard enough, I could probably find one with me wearing it!

iteach7 said...

1989 was a great year! (I graduated then.) Here is something bizarre...or should I say sad? When we did the old school pep rally last spring, I had to find some "80's clothes" to wear. Yeah, I just went to my closet and found some! Jewelry, too! I think I need to clean my closets!

You definitely were not fat!!!!

Sherri said...

Remember the hair bands? I loved hair bands......those were fun times weren't they?