Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I've Never Done This Before

Today I am blogging...from work.

I have never even used the computers for ANY personal business at work. I usually just help the kids get to the games the want.

Today, I am teaching ( and I use that term lightly) fourth grade. Every once in a while, while the teachers go to grade level meetings, we para educators teach their class for the morning. Fourth grade is the easiest to actually do, but also the most nerve wracking for me. I am much more comfortable in front of the five year olds. You have to actually know something in fourth grade. More than if a word has a long or short vowel in it. Yikes!

The kids are in art and I have nothing to do.

I guess I could have wondered over to office and pestered the secretary. (Hi S!) But I'm sure she has work of her own to do.


that girl said...

ah the blogging from work thing. so how did it go? at least none of your students yelled a name at you from across the room....

imagine being in charge of them all day...or even third grade. or, or, or.

Steph said...

My class went pretty good too.I agree with you on the 5 year old too

Sherri said...

You are so considerate about not bothering your secretary....but the "other" para....and this one teacher sub.....oh nevermind, I better be good 8-)

Isn't that certain 4th gr girl with glasses just adorable???