Thursday, February 26, 2009

Word Vomit

I stole that phrase from a movie. Don't ask which one, but I'm pretty sure it had Hilary Duff in it.

Do you know what it means?

It's when words just come out of you mouth before you even have to chance to think about them and/or their consequences.

At the last Band Booster Meeting I went to, they were talking about OMEA District III Junior High festival that is going to be held at the Middle School. I had started to tune out because that did not pertain to me or my kids. Next thing I hear is that the lady who has been in charge of the concessions for this event, will not be doing it after this year. Still really not listening. Then they are saying how they will have to find some one to work with her this year and learn what she does. That's when I look up and see three sets of eyeballs...ON ME!

Before I can stop it, it happens.

"I can help you," I say.


I really though she had forgot me.

Until last night.

I will now be spending my Friday evening and my Saturday morning and most of the afternoon selling Laffy Taffy and shredded chicken sandwiches to Middle School Band Members.

Oh, and I told C1 if I was going, she was going.

"Really, Mom!?!" she said.

She can't wait.

She doesn't know about word vomit yet.


that girl said...

love it! I have word vomit all of the time.

Good luck with that!! said...

I hate when that happens!!

Steph said...

That happens to me all the time.