Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our United States

I have always liked geography.

I have a great sense of direction and know how to read a map. In fact, I think it's fun. When C1 brought home her atlas at the beginning of the school year I got really excited. When B used his in sixth grade, I loved it then too. It is a great source of information, and I LOVE checking their homework with it. I know. I'm sick.

When I was little, my grandparents had a big wooden puzzle that they kept under the couch. It was of the United States. I loved to dump it out and challenge myself to get it done

You can imagine my happiness then when I found this today!

My first score was 94% with an average error of 13 miles. I completed it in 228 seconds!

I would like to thank my grandma and grandad for having that puzzle under the couch. I'm sure it contributed to my success.

I'm going to have my kids do it tonight.

I'll let you know how they do.

I'm sure they won't beat my score.


that girl said...

love it! will try it know, I am at THE OFFICE.

iteach7 said...

I love your Voki! Isn't that cool?????