Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Final Lap

Well, here we are.

The last full day before M's family all come to my house.

I really should not be doing this. I actually sat down here to look up a recipe. I just keep adding things to my list of items to make. Last night, when at Hobby Lobby, we walked by the cake decorating aisle and saw the melting chocolate. "Oh! Let's make cake balls!" I said. "We'll make Christmas trees!" Then I made the mistake of coming home and actually showing them to C1 and C2 on the computer. Now, we.have.to.make.them. Aah! What was I thinking!?!

M unexpectedly took today off, so that helps.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season. Don't let the rush of baking, shopping and wrapping get in the way of remembering what the season is really all about. Take the time to thank God for all you have and for giving us His son. Enjoy your family and friends!

Merry Christmas Internet!!!

1 comment:

that girl said...

love the superheroic face...and yes, internet, thanks!