Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh! I Should Be Doing Other Things!

There is so much I should be doing.

But instead of whining about it all here, I thought I would share a song that has been going around my house. It was introduced to all of us by B. Now we play it in the car even when he's not with us. I've heard it played upstairs, in C1's room and on the computer.

But when I woke up this morning singing it to myself, I knew I had to blog about it.

Here it is.

Are you ready?

And I just want to say, by no means does this reflect my feelings for any of you.

(OK, maybe a few)

Just kidding!

(no I'm not)

Catchy, isn't it!


that girl said...

um, I don't like this song.

it's catchy but DUMB.

Good luck with that!! said...

Sheesh!! What happened to the Christmas spirit?

Mom of Three said...

Oh, it's still here. This is just so dumb, it's funny!