Friday, December 5, 2008

This Is Christmas

Roughly two months ago C2 brought home a paper telling about his Christmas program and what type of costumes would be needed. When I asked him what he was, he didn't know. Well, I wasn't too worried about it. We had plenty of time.

Fast forward to Wednesday night. Being the wonderful mom that I am, I had totally not given any thought to his costume. I asked him what he wanted to be, a cat or a dog.



Now to figure this one out.

I tried to push it off on my mom, but she just laughed at me.

I had an idea, but the Dollar General in town was NO help. I was not in the mood to drive to Walmart.

I know, I'll call M and have him stop there after work!

Oops. Forgot to call.

On Thursday mornings C1 has to be at school at 7am. I went then.

This is what we ended up with:

He got a lot of compliments and no one knew the difference.

See, it always works out.


Good luck with that!! said...

Man, you are so creative!!! I would not have been able to come up with that!! Which is why I make lists. So I don't get caught like that!!

that girl said...

he looked great!

iteach7 said...

That is just adorable!!!!! I would have never thought to use socks for ears.