Friday, January 30, 2009

Dwight Speaks!

by Dwight Schrute

It's a new year, so perhaps we can finally put an end to rampant incompetence that continues to plague this office. For the last time, do not use permanent markers on the dry erase board. The only time it has ever been acceptable to use permanent markers on the dry erase board, was when I wrote, "DO NOT USE PERMANENT MARKERS" in permanent marker on the dry erase board. My warning could not be any clearer.

The marker that conveniently says "dry erase marker" on it is the only writing utensil appropriate for the dry erase board. It doesn't take a genius to see the connection between the "dry erase marker" and the "dry erase board." Obviously, dry erase markers don't contain xylene and/or toluene, hence their use on white boards or overhead transparencies and their subsequent inability to be used on porous surfaces. If you can't understand some basic advanced chemistry, maybe you're not cut out to work in the office supplies industry.


that girl said...

yeah, couldn't decided to post Michael or Dwight. they are both idiots.

Mom of Three said...

Jim and Dwight are our favorites!

iteach7 said...

I know this is a "joke" but I have an FYI for you. If you write on a dry-erase board with permanent marker, don't fear. Take a dry-erase marker and go over the permanent marker a little at a time. While it is still "wet" use a paper towel or eraser and wipe it off. I have done this a bunch if times, and it doesn't hurt the marker board at all.

I love to freak my students out by doing this. Try it; it's fun.