Sunday, January 18, 2009

This Is Just Wrong!

C1 had a friend over today and they were just getting ready to go outside to play in the snow when another friend called. Did they want to come over and go sledding?

Of course they did.

So being the Best Mom in the World, I took them to the "city" to go sledding with this other girl.

They went to the hill by the pool.


The following pictures will break your heart.

The sight of this, broke mine.

No pool should have to tolerate these conditions.

It's just wrong!


that girl said...

I thought we were going to see two of the girls ganging up on the third, throwing snowballs, smashing her face into the snow and kicking snow into her face.


Steph said...

cant wait for warmed days to enjoy the pool again. Altho, I do like seeing the snow.

Sherri said...

They should have sled down the slide!!! That would have been fun landing in the snow in the pool!

Good luck with that!! said...
