Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. The boat.had.not.been.touched.
M generally works sixty to seventy hours a week and just had not gotten the chance to work on it.
So, C2 and I did it.
He was really excited about the whole race until I explained to him how the race works. Each Scout places their boat in a ten foot long raingutter filled with water and blows it down the gutter. Two boys race at a time and after two losses, they are out.
This freaked him out a little. He is very shy and just did not like the idea of doing this in front of other people. I built up his confidence and we talked about how he should blow in long, strong blows and to aim at the center of the sail.
After much coaching, he was ready.
And win, he did!
He came in second for his den. There were a total of nine boys competing.
Then, he came in fourth place over all! There were about thirty five boys all together. During the last race, C1 and I were so excited for him we couldn't stand it!
Way to go C2!!!
You're awesome!
That is AWESOME!!!!! I have never heard of this type of competition. I'm glad he did so well...He always looks so happy.
way to go, C2!!
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