Friday, October 17, 2008


OK! I am grounding myself from this computer until I get my list of things done! (I mean it this time T)

We have a three day weekend and I want to enjoy some of it outside. Therefore, I need to get inside things done.

*Pick up entire downstairs
*Clean bathroom
*Do the dishes and figure out what to feed family for supper
*Finish putting away last week's laundry so I can start this weeks laundry
*While B is at away game tonight, go through clean his room
*Help C2 clean up his room
*Work on organizing M and my room

So, as of 11:54 am, I am officially grounded from the computer until my list is complete.

Ohhh, I'll never be back :(

1 comment:

that girl said...

ah, I will miss you! please come back soon..get those chores finished and write something witty and fantastic!!

oh, btw, thanks for saying bye sort of seemed like everyone left and it was just those of us left on lane one..