Friday, October 31, 2008

Red Ribbon Week

This last week the kids had Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week celebrates being drug free.

When you get to Middle School, you really get to have fun with this.

This is what C1 looked like all week.

First they had "crazy" day,

then "rock star" day.

On Wednesday they got to wear hats and sunglasses.

The next day was "Red, White, and Blue" day.

Finally, today was "spirit" day.

Fun! Fun! Fun!


that girl said...

I guess being a girl made it more fun...I will be sending you a pic of C2 next from today's party.

he looks thrilled.

Anonymous said...

THAT'S MY PRINCESS !!! Cute as can be. I don't know if you all know this or not, but everybody says she is just like her Grandma Ann.