Friday, July 25, 2008

Air Bud

Early this morning the dog was being ornery, getting into things, and barking for food. So, M got out of bed and put.him.outside.

Now, when he acts like that in that in the morning, he usually just wants to eat. Give him some food and water and he will lie down and go back to sleep.

When we finally all got up this is what was waiting for us in the backyard.

What he has on his head is a floating basketball hoop that C2 got at Dollar Tree. It was in the bucket of toys, which also tends to get water in the bottom from rain, wet toys, etc. He was thirsty, that's why he was barking so early in the AM. I imagine while sticking his BIG head in the bucket to get a drink, the hoop got stuck.

I'm so glad our yard is fenced in. I wouldn't want the neighbors to be jealous of our "smart"dog!


Sherri said...

That is hilarious!! Typical Mosgrove member 8-)

Anonymous said...

OMG - that is to funny, I cracked up laughing when the picture came up.

that girl said...

nice, real nice.

Good luck with that!! said...

I'm so glag you got a picture of that, it just would not have been the same if I hadn't actually seen it. It's only 644 in the morning and I'm getting the looks again. But somebody just walked behind me before I could hide it, and said, "what is that on that dogs head???"

Good luck with that!! said...

I had to click back over here to get another look at him...

Mom of Three said...

The thing is that he was not even really bothered by it. He was standing at the door looking at me like "can I come in now?" I have no idea how long he had it on, but he was obviously used to it.