Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Meet Misty

No, we didn't get another cat. My cousin T lives in the country and has been trying to "catch" a cat to take care of the mice she gets around her house. She hasn't had any luck, but the other night this little one showed up on our front porch.

She is the sweetest little thing! She purrs the instant you pick her up and just loves to be loved. The kids had seen her a couple of times in the neighborhood by herself. She came up on the porch and just stayed. She was hungry and thirsty. We fed her and then she wanted to come in. She just made herself at home.

Having four cats already, we could NOT keep another one! T was very excited when I called her, but she was in Washington DC. Could we please keep her for her?

Well, who am I to say no to a baby kitty? Of course we'll keep her.

Misty is the name they decided on.

My cats have adjusted pretty good to having a little one around. Even Esther, who is the queen around here.

In fact, Misty reminds me of Esther when she was a kitten.

Oh, we'll miss you Misty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isn't she cute? thanks for the photo op earlier..