Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Times Have Changed!

Remember the days of locking yourself in your bedroom with a radio and cassette recorder to tape a song off the radio? You would wait with the tape in the recorder set to just the right spot. Then, when you heard the first few notes of the song you wanted to record, you would leap across the bed or whatever to get to the recorder to push the record button. Then you would be real quiet. You didn't want any background noise to come through on your tape. Heaven forbid if your mom or anyone knock on the door or came into the room because then your recording would be ruined. Sometimes getting a full tape of the songs you wanted would take quite a few days. This was a very slow process.

Well folks, those days are gone. C1 spent part of the morning updating her MP3 player. She searched for songs and then downloaded them to her MP3. This whole process took maybe forty five minutes.

These kids have no idea how lucky they are!

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