Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fireman's Jamboree

This weekend is the annual Fireman's Jamboree! This is the biggest event of the year for our small town! It runs Friday night and all day Saturday. There is good food, rides, raffles, bands, Bingo, and a parade. You don't dare miss the jamboree. Although, we did have to miss last night due to Family Night at Boy Scout Camp. But we heard that between the car show and the band that played, there were around 4,000 people in attendance. That is twice the total population of this village! Amazing!

We made up for our absence last night today though. After watching the parade, we went to the firehouse for chicken dinners. Mmmmm! They were good. Then the kids got to have their fun.

They rode the rides. (Everyone except C2. He just doesn't want to. He's not scared)

And they played lots of games.

They all wanted to win one of these,

but all we came home with were these.

I will be hiding those in the next few days.

1 comment:

Good luck with that!! said...

I miss the jamboree!! We had the best times there. That's what J remembers most about our little town, I believe there was an incident during the parade involving pants falling down. I guess those things tend to stick in your memory!!