Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chore Jar

Today we started a chore jar. My kids have never really had chores. I don't know why, but I would rather just do it myself. That way I know it's done right. Well, guess what? I'm tired of doing it myself. The things I chose for the jar are things that everyone should be able to handle. C2 will need some help with a few things.

Here is what is in the jar:

Do the dishes (it's in there twice)
Vacuum living room and downstairs bedrooms (it's in there twice)
Vacuum the stairs and upstairs bedrooms
Clean and mop bathroom
Sweep and mop kitchen floor
Sweep kitchen floor
Sweep patio, front porch, and front sidewalk
Pull weeds in front flower bed and pick up front yard
Fold and put away towels
Strip and remake ALL beds (picking a partner for this one)
FREE DAY!!! (they don't know that's in there yet!)

On top of the chore jar, everyone is expected to make their bed and keep their room clean.

Today was the first day for the jar. B pulled out vacuum downstairs and got it done so he could leave. C1 pulled out sweep kitchen. It hasn't happened yet. C2 pulled out do dishes. It hasn't happened yet. But in all fairness, what am I doing?

I need to get busy myself. Play time is over.

I'll let you know how this goes. Of course they all wanted to know how much they were going to get paid! Uh, probably the same thing I do!!!


that girl said...

I LOVE the chore jar...maybe I should start one here...let me know how it all goes..

Good luck with that!! said...

I hope the jar works for ya. I have never been able to find anything that works, except for nagging and guilt. My kids have had chores thier whole live, taking out the garbage, unloading the dishwasher putting away their clean clothes, and they don't do it unless I harrass the crap out of them. They have no problem living out of the laundry room. But your a trained proffesional!!! You have a lot more practice making kids do things they really could care less about doing. Good luck with that, (and I mean that will sincerity, if it works I'll try it to.)

Mom of Three said...

I knew you would say that!