Sunday, July 20, 2008

You Don't See That Everyday!

On my way home tonight, I had to wait on a train. No big deal in this town. But, I am still shocked at what I saw. I was sitting there kinda in a daze, when the end of the train went by. At the end...I still can't believe it...there was...are you ready? A CABOOSE!!! It was one of those things that you say to yourself, "Was that a caboose?"

Of course I was alone. I wanted to yell at the cars waiting on the other side, "Did you see that?"

Oh, I am such a dork. I am like, so excited by this. Are they coming back? Was this just a fluke? I don't know!

A, can you help me with this?

Find out where this mysterious caboose came from, will ya?


Good luck with that!! said...

Nope, I'm sorry to report that cabooses are not coming back. It was probably a train that works all the industies around there, so they have to back up a lot, and they get to have the occasional caboose. I have this theory, in 20years, some new railroad guy with a lot of authority will come up with the great idea of putting an actual car on the back of the trains that somebody can ride. Then some old guy will go you idiot, its call a caboose and we got ride of those things 40 years ago.....

Mom of Three said...

Oh :( I wish my kids were with me last night to see it! They've never seen an actual caboose on a train. Kinda sad isn't it?

that girl said...

you should take your kids to ride a steam engine sometime..they always have a caboose.

Sherri said...

Was there a guy waving too?

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to have seen that!