Friday, June 27, 2008


A friend of mine is on vacation this week with her family in Michigan. While she is gone I have agreed to take care of her cats for her. She has three cats compared to my four, so this really is no problem. I'm pretty used to scooping cat poop. The thing with cats is, I only have to go there every other day. Cats are pretty self sufficient. If they have food, water, and clean litter boxes they are pretty happy. Except if they have a loving family like this one, they get a little lonely.

Here is what I see every time I open the door.

All three cats are there to greet me. I always take the time to give each one a good rub down and some sweet talk. They follow me through the house as I do my chores for them. By the time I leave, they are all just lounging around like cats do.

I wonder if they are ever disappointed it's me?

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Naaa....they aren't disappointed it's you.....they just want a live body in the house making sure they have food 8-)