Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rainy Day Tent

This weekend B is camping with the Boy Scouts. Well, of course it's no fair that he gets to sleep in a tent! So M and I told C1 and C2 that we would put up the other tent and they could sleep in the backyard Saturday night. We got up Saturday and got things done around the house. Then I went to the grocery (with a list of items that they would need for their camp out). By the time I got home from the grocery, the sky was very dark and we had a severe thunderstorm watch. Needless to say, it down poured. For an hour and a half. Of course when it was over around 7:00pm, the sun came out. C2 could just not understand why we could not put the tent up then. Hello! The ground is soaked!

After a HUGE meltdown on his part, they settled for this:

A blanket tent in my living room.

This kept them busy the rest of the evening. They built it, they played in it, and they even slept in it.

The first question out of their mouths when they got up this morning? Can we put up the tent now?

1 comment:

Reed said...

I love putting up blanket tents!!