Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Day of Questions

Yesterday morning it was just C2 and I home alone. When B is not around C2 loves to go through his room. He came down and told me that he had taken 3 Hot Wheels from B's room and please will I not tell him. There were other things in there that he would like to have also. This is where the questions started.
C2: Why can't I have it?
Me: Well, you really are not old enough for it anyway.
C2: When will I be old enough?
Me: In a couple of years.
C2: When will B move out?
Me: Not for at least 4 or 5 years.
C2: When will C1 move out?
Me: Maybe 7 or 8 years. I don't really want to think about all that!
C2: When will I move out?
Me: Not for 11 or 12 years, why?
C2: Good! I'll be here longer than them and I can have all their stuff!
So, that's his plan. To out last his brother and sister living in this house so he can have all their stuff.
I wonder where he will put it?

1 comment:

Steph said...

Sounds like something my son would say. LOL