Sunday, June 29, 2008

20th High School Reunion

Well, as you all know last night was my 20th High School reunion. We didn't make it Friday because M ended up getting very busy at the restaurant and didn't get to leave when he thought. We would have only been there for half an hour if we had gone.

Anyways, last night we went. It was from 8-midnight. We arrived around 8:45 and were gone by 11:00. Out of a class of 245, maybe 100 people were there, including spouses. A lot of the people I never spoke to in High School. They were shall we say "hoods". Um, there were some people that I talked to in High School there. Mostly people that I had classes with all through out. There were a couple of girls there that I hung with in High School. It was nice seeing them and talking to them.

Overall, I don't know if I will go to anymore. Some of the people that were there, I see in Walmart on a regular basis and say Hi, so no big deal seeing them. It was a lot of worry and fretting on my part for no reason.

I'm just glad it's over!

1 comment:

that girl said...

I hope mine is more fun, as you put it. maybe so since I don't live in the area where I grew up..I don't run into anyone from home around here. at least you went and now you know!