Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Caught In The Pool Again!

Tonight again we were in the pool when a storm came up very quickly! C1, her friend, and I were all swimming when the sky got real dark and the wind picked up. I made the girls get out first so they could start picking up toys and other things in the yard. As I was climbing out and was on top of the ladder, I heard a loud craaaaack and looked up to see a tree just on the other side of the tracks fall. It fell right on the tracks! The neighbors called 911 and I suppose they notified the railroad company. The awesome thing was, before I could get over there to snap some pictures, four Good Samaritans were on the tracks chain sawing the tree! How awesome is that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your photos, too bad the good samaritans were that good!!