Saturday, September 13, 2008

At The Pool With B

I hate to admit it but summer is almost over. Technically we have one more week left. The weather has started to cool, especially at night. The leaves are starting to change and the robins are gone. Why? Why must the robins leave? I hate it when the robins leave.

Anyways, in all this thinking of summer gone, I went through some pictures I had taken at the pool. (Oh how I would LOVE to be at the pool right now.)

I found these that I had taken of B.

He didn't go to the pool with us too many times. You know, that is just not cool. Hanging out with your mom, brother, and sister? Not cool.

This is him going off the high dive. Don't ask what he was trying to do. When I asked why he went off like that, he told me it was to make a big splash. OK. Never mind the pain you are causing yourself. He got really mad after doing it twice and I asked him to do it again to see if I could get a better picture. He pretty much told me where I could go. (in a nice way of course)

B has on the brown shorts by the way.

Here he comes all happy. This must have been the first time he did that "fancy" trick because I don't remember him smiling that much afterwards.

Did I mention how sad I am summer is almost over?


Good luck with that!! said... was a pretty splash...painful but a big splash

that girl said...

great form!!