Monday, September 8, 2008

My 100th Post

OK. Here it is. My 100th post.

For my 100th post, I decided to list 100 things I did today.

1. Hit the snooze 5 times on alarm clock.
2. Woke up C1. Told her to hurry, we were late.
3. Woke up B. Told him the same.
4. Got C1's breakfast. (cereal)
5. Fed the dog.
6. Ironed B's shirt and C1's shorts.
7. Checked online for everyone's lunch money balances. Everyone is OK.
8. Checked blog (quickly)
9. Yelled up the stairs for B to get.out.of.bed.
10. Put dog outside.
11. Kiss B and C1 goodbye. Shoved them out the door.
12. Scooped the cat box.
13. Got myself a cup of coffee.
14. Watched the first 15 min. of Today.
15. Wake up C2. Convinced him it was not too early to get up. It was his regular time.
16. Got C2 his breakfast. (yummy cereal again)
17. Yelled in at C2 to stop talking to himself in the mirror and brush his teeth!
18. Convinced M to drive C2 to school.
19. Put some clothes in washer/dryer.
20. Got in shower.
21. Fixed my breakfast. (turkey sandwich on wheat toast)
22. Left for the school thinking I was early for a change.
23. Got to the school to realize I was too late to sell skating party tickets for PTO.
24. Chatted with principal/boss.
25. Chatted with school secretary.
26. Watched video of secretary's daughter cheering at football game. (too cute)
27. Went down to Kindergarten room.
28. Painted with kindergartners.
29. Took kindergartners to recess.
30. Did a craft project with kindergartners.
31. Walked kindergartners to lunch.
32. Left the school for the morning.
33. Dropped prescriptions off at the pharmacy to be picked up later.
34. Got home and checked blog.
35. Fixed myself some lunch. (leftover spaghetti)
36. Put more clothes in washer/dryer.
37. Put folded clothes away.
38. Watched half of Big Brother on DVR from last night.
39. Took small nap.
40. Woke up and realized what time it was.
41. Drove to pharmacy to pick up prescription.
42. Went to school to pick up C2.
43. Dropped off skating check for PTO.
44. Chatted with secretary and PTO president.
45. Watched video of secretary's daughter cheering at football game. (again)(still too cute)
46. Noticed the kids were dismissed. Hurried down to get C2.
47. Drove home listening to C2's day.
48. Checked blog and e-mail.
49. Explained to C2 why we must rinse grapes off before eating them.
50. Greeted B and C1 as they came in from school.
51. Hurried to answer phone before C1 to tell her friend that she can not come over until homework is done.
52. Sat at table to do homework with C2.
53. Listened to C1 cry and say how mean I am.
54. Convinced her to just sit down and get started, then she could go outside.
55. Told C2 to stop poking around and get busy. (5 times)
56. Put the sweet potatoes in microwave.
57. Helped C1 with Social Studies homework.
58. Found crayons for C2's homework,
59. Checked C2's homework and put it away.
60. Sliced sweet potatoes and put in oven with brown sugar and butter.
61. Boiled noodles
62. Cleaned up Kool-Aid C1 spilled all over table.
63. Mixed up tuna &noodles and put in oven.
64. Boiled green beans
65. Set the table. Asked B to get the napkins.
66. Put more clothes in washer/dryer.
67. Told kids to turn off TV and come eat.
68. Listened to C2 complain about what we were having for supper until I made him a hot dog.
69. Cleaned up kitchen.
70. Checked blog
71. Told B to get changed for work.
72. Told C2 to go upstairs and get a clean shirt on.
73. Ran upstairs to get different shirt for C2. (I didn't approve of the one he picked out)
74. Drove B to work.
75. Chatted with M for a few minutes.
76. Went to Middle School for C1's open house.
77. Tried to run over school secretary. (she jumped in front of my car)
78. Checked out book fair.
79. Saw C1's locker. Not as messy as I thought it would be.
80. Went to all C1's classrooms and met her teachers.
81. Checked out Band Room. Waved to band director (he was busy with a VERY chatty mom)
82. Went back to C1's locker to measure for posters she wants to make.
83. Spotted High School Crush. Gave a little wave.
84. Drove home while explaining why it was too late to go to the skating party.
85. Checked blog
86. Changed into comfy clothes.
87. Finished up dishes from supper.
88. Scooped the cat box.
89. Put more clothes into dryer.
90. Got C2 into the tub. He wanted to know if he could have candles. (what does that mean?)
91. Told C1 to get off the computer for 57th time.
92. Helped C2 wash hair and got him out of the tub.
93. Argued with C2 about picking his things up in the living room.
94. Argued with C1 about studying for Social Studies test.
95. Read with C2.
96. Took C2 up to bed and tucked him in.
97. Went over C1's Social Studies with her.
98. Tucked C1 into bed.
99. Made this list
100. Posted 100th post!!!

(I will not do this again)


Good luck with that!! said...

Holy Crap...I thought I was busy!!! Turns out I've got nuthin on you. I didn't even make dinner.

that girl said...

um who was the chatty mom? and candles? hmmm....means he will be a romantic someday to a lady..

Sherri said...

That School Secretary....she keeps you busy. She sound nice, shows off her daughter to you, talks to you...than you try to run her over? Geesh......

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder where C2 got the idea for candles - what has he been watching on TV????

Anonymous said...

Sound like one of my days, if i stopped to count all the things ive already done so far this morning its probably been over one hundred