Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Ike?

This afternoon we received the remaining winds from the eye of hurricane Ike. Never in my life do I remember getting this much from a hurricane that has traveled clear across the country. Usually by the time they get to us, we just get a few sprinkles. We might get a thunderstorm or two.

Never anything like this:

The howl of the wind sounded just like a freight train. I have never heard the wind sound like that.

This evening we drove around the community to survey the damage. There are a lot of limbs down. There even are a few trees that came down.

It makes you realize how fortunate we are that we don't get the full force of these storms.

Maybe Ohio's not so bad after all.


that girl said...

glad you are safe, too. thanks for the link...

Good luck with that!! said...

Welcome to my world...