I can not explain to you the flood of memories and emotions that came to me. This is corny, but I always felt so much pride in being a part of the High School Band. When we would march into the stadium and everyone would stand up for us? Wow! That really made us feel good. We were always taught to hold our heads high while marching, because we.were.the.best. We believed this and therefore always put everything we had into a performance. We had confidence and belief in ourselves, that for me, also carried over into my personal life. Being a part of the band was the best thing for me when I was in High School.
Now, it's B's turn. He tries to act like he doesn't like it, but after everything they do, he is excited. I know he is having fun. The fact that he wore his uniform pants into McDonald's before the game and into The Comfort Zone after tells me that he is beginning to feel that pride. The pride that he is in the band. His face shone after a lady at The Comfort Zone came up and told him how much she enjoyed the show. I'm glad she did that.
I took a lot of pictures last night. (Of the band, of course) I just couldn't get enough!
Here's the band marching into the stadium. I LOVE this! The band is less than half the size it used to be, but they still march with pride and they are GOOD.
(I think this may the greenest patch of grass in the county)
As they marched by the stands playing the Fight Song, I got goosebumps.
This is B marching onto the field for the Pre-Game Show. His sousaphone is more gold that brass colored so he is pretty easy to spot.
This is the other band at halftime. Do you see what is different in this?
During the fourth quarter, there seemed to be a "Battle of the Bands" going on. They were getting closer and closer to each other while playing louder and louder until they became one big blob of band. They were all mixed together talking and still playing. B said this was awesome!
The awesome part was watching it. They were mingling about, having a good time. B said they tried out each others sousaphones. The other band had ten sousas compared to our four. But, theirs were lighter and it took ten to make the sound of our four he said.
It was really neat to see these kids come together and share what they had in common. Again, I'm corny, but it brought a tear to my eye to see the camaraderie that was going on. They got past the fact that their schools were competing on the football field, and just did what comes natural to kids.
They made friends.
Was that a football player in the band????? WOW!!!
I can remember the pride I felt marching for Bath. And I loved the Bath Band Spectacular! I liked having all the bands on the field.
I never was in the marching band but my sister was and she loved it. great post, SM.
That was great, I know it means a lot to Brad to have you so enthused about band, of course he would never admit it! I always loved watching you march, it really does make you feel proud to see your child out there playing and marching.
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