Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Change Of Plans

Yesterday we were out of school for teacher's meetings.

I spent the day getting small things done around the house. I had planned on spending the evening getting caught up on my PTO things and Band Boosters project.

My mom called and said she had made a pot of spaghetti and we could all go to my grandma's to eat.

Cool! I won't have to fix supper.

So, we went, we ate, we visited, and the kids played.

This was something we had not done "spur of the moment" in quite awhile.

I didn't realize how much I had missed it.

The girls did cheers

and then we all watched a movie.

Needless to say, I did not get my things done, but the time was better spent.

A nice change.

1 comment:

that girl said...

I like the new layout...and how come you did not ask me to come and have spaghetti? sounds yummy!!