Monday, September 15, 2008

Caught Doing Nothing

Tomorrow night is Open House at the Elementary School where C2 goes. This is also the school where I work.

Today everyone was busy to get things done for Open House.

The teacher I work with needed some papers laminated so I went down to the work room to do this for. Usually, the laminator takes 15 - 20 minutes to warm up. There was another aide there that had just turned it off so I didn't think it would take too long to warm up. The other aide left and I sat down to wait. I was sitting there watching the light on the laminator blink when the principal walked in.

He chuckled and asked if I was sitting there watching the laminator warm up. I admitted that yes, I was.

When I got back to the classroom, he was there sitting at the teacher's desk.

I just went about my business.

Before he leaves the room, he hands the teacher a note.

It said "I don't want to tattle, but Mrs. M was watching the laminator warm up."

She got a good laugh from it.

As I was leaving for the day, he stopped me to see what had happened with the note.

His reasoning for writing it? To give me something to blog about!

By the way, this post was his idea too!

Maybe you need your own blog D!


that girl said...

why don't I get ideas to write about? your humor is great all by itself. some of us other bloggers need the help.

Steph said...

That is to funny, never realized it would take so long to warm up. At least we work in an environment where even the boss has fun.